Ninja Shop



Mission number 8:


Make sure this level is built in a different scene that you can only get through through the portal it should be a mountain just like the one I sent you with the wizard castle just like the one I made. Only accessible through the portal.

This wizard realm should be seen on the portal  selections all the way to level one but the players should be told they cannot access it until level eight..

You will find the Sensei at the top of Dragon Haven where he was at the first mission. He will say

“The old Wizard  on the top of Wizard mountain has requested your presence. He hasn’t requested the presence of a ninja for 1000 years. I think he has a mission for you. Go see what he needs and Bring him something nice!”

At the end of this cut-scene A prompt should ask the player if they are ready for the mission.

“ Are you ready for the mission? “

The player can choose: “Ready” or “Not Ready.”  

Ready of course begins the mission and not ready allows them to go get supplies if they are low or upgrade their swords or buy more cannonballs or potions things like that. They can return to the Sensei on top of dragon Haven at any time to start the mission by selecting “Ready.”

There should be one save point halfway through this mission on the way up the mountain.

If they are ready the following happens: on there compass the portal should be highlighted.

You can only get to the Wizard mountain through the portal it will be a selection on the portal. Once selected The ninja will start at the Base of wizard mountain, at the beginning of the mission.

There will be the sound of chirping crickets and the feeling of a Misty cool night.

(The player gets to wizard mountain only through the portal.) It should be an option on the portal. Please remember this point harvest Village wasn’t supposed to be in Wingard but it is please do not make that mistake again.

The character will encounter numerous different orcs and goblins along the way to The wizards castle. He’s perched in the castle on top of wizard mountain. The compass or map should show the way up the mountain to the castle.

As the ninja makes the way up the side of the mountain towards the wizards castle he will encounter for the first time three shadow ninjas.

This is a very significant point in the game because now we learn the existence of the shadow ninjas.

There will be three of them. All weapons will work on them. Their primary attack will be the ninja stars. Best defense will be the dragon shield special Power. If you hit any of them one time they will quickly move towards you and start to attack with swords. We’re coming to the end of this game they should be extremely intelligent very difficult to defeat and worthy of some of the last opponents.

When all three shadow ninjas are defeated the last one will drop  a Golden cylinder handled object.  it is a new upgrade and we will offer it to the wizard at the end of the level and the wizard Will tell you to keep it.

(For now just keep it in their inventory.)

Just make it a gold shaped handled like cylinder on the ground that the player goes across and picks up just like he would pick up a potion using the same sound. The screen will then say picked up new item.

It should probably be temporarily  put in inventory we can discuss how that would work maybe we can we just add on a new category or what would happen. It requires discussion.

Finally the ice nights two of them are supposed to be on either side of the door and you you will have to fight them the first time in the feed them to get in. I don’t know how far you guys are along in this game so again this requires discussion.

A few more steps up the stairs through the castle gates and they will meet the Wizard.

The wizard will tell the story of the origin of the Dragon Force Ninjas. He will start by saying “long ago. . . “ and then it will fade into a cut scene. There should be a small cut scene made up mostly of the video we have already created for the beginning intro showing how a dragon merges with a ninja. The Wizard will then say.

Again this requires discussion as you say the videos have already been done.

“There is a new threat And the dragon force ninjas Are need it again.”

he will go on to say as the scene continues “I have chosen you because of your bravery and commitment to good. I have picked a very unique companion . Are you ready to except this responsibility.”

The ninja will have to select ( yes )

You can’t choose no you’re only able to select the button yes there is no no option!

Then the wizard will say:

“Very well, as it has been for thousands of years a dragon will join with a ninja.

A darkness is coming The kind I have not felt for hundreds of years .  Fight the darkness and stand for the light . it is your destiny! “

Right before the ninja leaves he gives the object towards the wizard.

“He says I think it’s made of gold and dragon steel.”

Wizard responds and says “ Yes, it is a magic bow called the green destiny . Keep it you’ll need it!”

The screen will then say magic bow equipped.  And at that time the bow and arrow should change to this one.

It will be called the “Green Destiny” when it is referred to in season two.

Then the video will show the character  returning to Dragon Havens Nursery. The cut scene should show the ninja placing it’s egg in the nursery. And the sensei standing beside The ninja saying : “ When it is ready it will hatch and you will begin the training. For now you have work to do.” The ninja Bows his head and returns to the mission center.